The doctor who was late for an appointment dropped the x-rays into the puddle hurrying to the hospital.

Which of the following is misplaced in the sentence above?
a. Into the puddle
b. Hurrying to the hospital
c. Who was late
d. For an appointment
Hurrying to the hospital is my guess

You're right. Obviously the puddle wasn't hurrying.

Yes, the xrays were not the ones hurrying.

To determine which part of the sentence is misplaced, we need to understand the intended meaning of the sentence and the correct word order.

The sentence is describing a situation where a doctor was late for an appointment and dropped the x-rays into a puddle while hurrying to the hospital. This implies that the doctor dropped the x-rays because they were rushing to the hospital.

Looking at the options:
a. "Into the puddle" seems to be correctly placed because it describes where the x-rays were dropped.
b. "Hurrying to the hospital" also seems to be correctly placed because it tells us why the doctor dropped the x-rays.
c. "Who was late" correctly describes the doctor and provides context.
d. "For an appointment" correctly explains why the doctor was late.

Based on this analysis, it appears that each part of the sentence is in the correct order and there is no misplaced element. Therefore, none of the options given are misplaced in the sentence.