Describe two ways you could evaluate 37% of the sum of 27 3/5 and 15.9. Tell which method you would use and why?


Here is one, a simple method.

.37(27.6 + 15.9) = ?

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Describe two ways you could evaluate 37% of the sum of 27 3/5 and 15.9. Tell which method you would use and why.

To evaluate 37% of the sum of 27 3/5 and 15.9, we can use two different methods: the first method is to calculate the sum first and then find 37% of it, and the second method is to find 37% of each number separately and then add the results.

Method 1:

Step 1: Calculate the sum of 27 3/5 and 15.9.
27 3/5 + 15.9 = 27.6 + 15.9 = 43.5

Step 2: Calculate 37% of 43.5
37% of 43.5 = 0.37 * 43.5 = 16.095

Method 2:

Step 1: Calculate 37% of 27 3/5
37% of 27 3/5 = 0.37 * 27 3/5 = 0.37 * 27 + 0.37 * 3/5 = 9.99 + 0.111 = 10.101

Step 2: Calculate 37% of 15.9
37% of 15.9 = 0.37 * 15.9 = 5.883

Step 3: Add the results from step 1 and step 2
10.101 + 5.883 = 15.984

Now, to choose which method to use, it depends on the context and the specific requirements of the problem.

Method 1 is simpler as it involves fewer calculations. It requires finding the sum of the two numbers only once and then calculating the percentage.

Method 2 involves finding the percentage of each number separately and then adding the results. This method may be useful if you need to know the contribution of each number to the final result or if you want to perform additional calculations on the individual percentages.

So, if simplicity and efficiency are the main considerations, I would choose Method 1. However, if you need to analyze the contribution of each number or perform additional calculations, then Method 2 might be more appropriate.