a / 4 = 8


It's your turn now. How do you think this should be solved?

4 divided by 8 =


4 divided by 8 = 1/2

How did that help you come up with a=32?

Your answer is right.

I'd do it this way.

a / 4 = 8
Multiply both sides by 4.

a = 32

Thank u Ms.Sue

To solve the equation a / 4 = 8, we need to isolate the variable a.

To do that, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 4.

(a / 4) * 4 = 8 * 4

On the left side, the 4s cancel out, leaving us with just 'a':

a = 32

Therefore, the solution to the equation a / 4 = 8 is a = 32.