If Emma ran 2 1/5 miles and Lily ran one third the distance that in Moran how far in miles did Lily run ?

Do you divide or multiply or what

what does Moran have to do with it?

What you will do is KFC. So you will do 2 1/5 dived by 1/3. Then do 2 1/5 times 3/1. FIRST. do 2 1/5-> 5 times 2 +1. THEN: that answer times 3/1. 😊

To find out how far Lily ran, we need to calculate one-third of the distance that Emma ran. In this case, Emma ran 2 1/5 miles, which can be written as a mixed number or a fraction. Let's convert it to a fraction for clarity.

To convert a mixed number to a fraction:
1. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction.
2. Add the result to the numerator.
3. Write the sum as the numerator of the fraction, and keep the denominator the same.

So, for Emma's distance, 2 1/5 can be written as (2 * 5 + 1) / 5 = 11/5.

Next, we need to find one-third of 11/5. To do this, we will multiply 11/5 by 1/3.

To multiply fractions:
1. Multiply the numerators (the numbers on top) to get the new numerator.
2. Multiply the denominators (the numbers on the bottom) to get the new denominator.

So, (11/5) * (1/3) = (11 * 1) / (5 * 3) = 11 / 15.

Therefore, Lily ran 11/15 miles.