Which excerpt from "The Beginnings of the Maasai” is the best example of a feature found in myths?

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Which excerpt from "The Beginnings of the Maasai” is the best example of a feature found in myths?

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To determine the best example of a feature found in myths from "The Beginnings of the Maasai", you should first make sure you are familiar with the characteristics commonly found in myths. Myths often feature gods, goddesses, or supernatural beings, offer explanations for natural phenomena or the origin of a culture, and include symbols, rituals, or moral lessons.

To find the best example, you need to examine the content of "The Beginnings of the Maasai" and look for elements that align with these characteristics. Here are a few excerpts from the story that could potentially fulfill these features:

1. "In the beginning, Enkai, the Maasai creator god, decided to form a tribe that would inhabit the vast plains of East Africa."

This excerpt contains a god figure (Enkai), who serves as the creator and oversees the formation of the Maasai tribe. This is a common element found in many myths.

2. "Enkai breathed life into the warriors of the Maasai, gifting them with strength and courage to protect their land."

This excerpt portrays Enkai granting supernatural abilities or qualities to the Maasai warriors. The provision of powerful traits by the gods is another recurring feature in myths.

3. "Legend has it that the Maasai people descended from the heavens, their arrival marked by a rainbow spanning across the horizon."

This excerpt includes a symbolic element, the rainbow, which signifies the Maasai people's arrival. The presence of symbols and their significance is often seen in myths.

By analyzing these excerpts based on the characteristics of myths, it can be concluded that option 3 – "Legend has it that the Maasai people descended from the heavens, their arrival marked by a rainbow spanning across the horizon" – is the best example of a feature found in myths. It includes a supernatural event, an explanation for the origin of a culture, and a symbolic element.