Solve these simultaneous linear equations using elimination method :

3a = 2b + 1 and 3b = 5a - 3

first arrange them in "standard" form:

3a - 2b = 1
5a - 3b = 3

1st times 3, ----> 9a - 6b = 3
2nd times 2, ---> 10a - 6b = 6
subtract them,
a = 3
sub back into 2nd
3b= 5(3) - 3
b = 4

a = 3 , b = 4

I don't understand

Thanks for the solution . It's now clear to me.

Though in the solution "first arrange in standard form ", it's to be
3a-2b=1 and 3b-5a=-3 not 3b-5a=3.

gud job my friend



Thanks you! I now no that i can make it