Josephine wants to put a wallpaper border around the ceiling of her room. The dimensions are 10 9/12ft and 8 1/2ft

How many feet of border does she need?

Cool :D {I hope this is right}

38 1/2 feet

wow so mature

who do think you are saying that to someone

The answer is 38 1/2 feet

To find out how many feet of border Josephine needs, we first need to calculate the perimeter of her room. The perimeter is the distance around the room.

The room has a length of 10 9/12 ft. To convert the fraction to a decimal, we add 9/12 to 10. 9/12 is equal to 0.75, so the length of the room is 10.75 ft.

The room has a width of 8 1/2 ft. To convert the fraction to a decimal, we add 1/2 to 8. 1/2 is equal to 0.5, so the width of the room is 8.5 ft.

To calculate the perimeter, we use the formula P = 2L + 2W, where P is the perimeter, L is the length, and W is the width.

P = 2(10.75) + 2(8.5)
= 21.5 + 17
= 38.5 ft

Therefore, Josephine needs 38.5 feet of wallpaper border to go around the ceiling of her room.