In a 5.00 km race, one runner runs at a steady 11.8 km/h and another runs at 14.7 km/h .

How long does the faster runner have to wait at the finish line to see the slower runner cross?


To find out how long the faster runner has to wait at the finish line, we need to calculate the time it takes for the slower runner to complete the race.

We can use the formula: time = distance / speed.

For the slower runner:
Distance = 5.00 km
Speed = 11.8 km/h

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:
time = 5.00 km / 11.8 km/h

Calculating this equation, we find:
time ā‰ˆ 0.4237 hours

Since both runners start at the same time, the faster runner will need to wait for the slower runner to finish the race. Therefore, the faster runner will have to wait approximately 0.4237 hours, which is equivalent to 25.42 minutes, at the finish line to see the slower runner cross.

Faster runner:

d = V*t = 5.0 km.
14.7*t = 5.
t = 0.340 h.

Slower runner:
11.8*t = 5.0
t = 0.424 h.

T = 0.424 - 0.340 = 0.0837 h = 5.02 min.
= Wait time.