Which of the following is not a possible cause of mass extinction?

A. Geographic isolation
B. Failure to evolve
C. Meteorite impact
D. Temperature reduction
i say A


To determine which of the options is not a possible cause of mass extinction, we can analyze each option individually.

A. Geographic isolation refers to the separation of a population into different geographic areas, which can lead to speciation but is not typically considered a cause of mass extinction.

B. Failure to evolve can indeed contribute to a mass extinction event. If organisms are unable to adapt to changes in their environment or cannot develop traits that promote their survival, they may not be able to survive in the long term.

C. Meteorite impact has been identified as a cause of mass extinctions in the past. For instance, the extinction of dinosaurs around 66 million years ago is thought to have been triggered by a large meteorite impact.

D. Temperature reduction can also be a cause of mass extinction. Large-scale climate changes, such as significant drops in temperature, can lead to the extinction of many species unable to adapt.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Geographic isolation, although capable of influencing the evolution of species over long periods of time, is not typically considered a direct cause of mass extinctions.