A bathtub has a capacity of 42 gallons and is completely full of water. Ten gallons of water are drained out. Enter the percentage of gallons of water left in the bathtub.

Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

(42-10)/42 = ?


To calculate the percentage of gallons of water left in the bathtub, we need to find the percentage of 10 gallons out of the original 42 gallons. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate the ratio of the amount of water drained out to the original capacity of the bathtub.
Ratio = (Amount of water drained out) / (Original capacity of the bathtub)
Ratio = 10 gallons / 42 gallons

Step 2: Convert the ratio to a percentage by multiplying it by 100.
Percentage = Ratio * 100
Percentage = (10 gallons / 42 gallons) * 100

Step 3: Round the answer to the nearest hundredth, as instructed.
Percentage = Round(Percentage, 2)

Now, let's calculate it:

Percentage = (10 gallons / 42 gallons) * 100
Percentage = 23.81%

Therefore, the percentage of gallons of water left in the bathtub, rounded to the nearest hundredth, is approximately 23.81%.