I have to define the word parts for example like the suffix, prefix, combining forms and also define these terms. I was able to do the majority however having a hard time with the last handful!




I really appreciate the help.

I already did one of these for you. Now you need to try the others.

Divide them up into bases or suffixes you recognize from your medical texts.

Go to www.google.com and type in define hystero (for example)

Do this with all the parts of all the words until you can do what I did for you earlier.

I cant find the other one I posted do you have the link by chance?

Sure! Let's break down the word parts and define each one of them for the given words:

1. panenteroduodenocholecystolaparoscopy:
- Prefix: pan- (meaning "all" or "entire")
- Combining forms:
- enter/o (pertaining to the small intestine)
- duoden/o (pertaining to the duodenum)
- cholecyst/o (pertaining to the gallbladder)
- Suffixes:
- -lapar/o (pertaining to the abdomen)
- -scopy (examination with an instrument)

Therefore, panenteroduodenocholecystolaparoscopy means "examination of the entire small intestine, duodenum, and gallbladder using an instrument through the abdomen."

2. polioencephalomeningomyelitis:
- Combining forms:
- poli/o (pertaining to the gray matter of the brain or spinal cord)
- encephal/o (pertaining to the brain)
- meninge/o (pertaining to the meninges, the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord)
- myel/o (pertaining to the spinal cord)
- Suffix:
- -itis (inflammation)

Therefore, polioencephalomeningomyelitis means "inflammation of the gray matter of the brain, meninges, and spinal cord."

3. hysterovaginoenterocele:
- Combining forms:
- hystero/o (pertaining to the uterus)
- vagin/o (pertaining to the )
- entero/o (pertaining to the intestines)
- Suffix:
- -cele (herniation or protrusion)

Therefore, hysterovaginoenterocele means "herniation or protrusion of the uterus, , and intestines."

Remember, it's always helpful to break down complex medical terms into their word parts and define each part individually to understand the meaning of the whole word.