Naomi has 50 red beads and white beads. The number of red beads is 1 more than 6 times the number of white beads. How many red beads does Naomi have?

If there are w white beads, then

w + 6w+1 = 50

w + 6w+1 = 50

To find the number of red beads Naomi has, we will first set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's represent the number of white beads as "x".

According to the problem, the number of red beads is "1 more than 6 times the number of white beads". Therefore, we can write the equation as follows:

Number of red beads = 6x + 1

Now, we need to substitute the value of the number of red beads into the equation to solve for x.

Since Naomi has a total of 50 beads, we can write another equation:

Number of red beads + Number of white beads = 50

Substituting the value 6x + 1 for the number of red beads, we get:

6x + 1 + x = 50

Combining like terms, we have:

7x + 1 = 50

To isolate x, we subtract 1 from both sides:

7x = 49

Finally, we solve for x by dividing both sides by 7:

x = 7

Therefore, the number of red beads, as represented by 6x + 1, is:

6(7) + 1 = 42 + 1 = 43

Naomi has 43 red beads.