compile your bibliography?

6, research about protest,permit to hold a protest,activities during a protest.
draw up any five interview questions you will use to evaluate the understanding of service delivery by the learner in your school
7. write your personal mission statement that clearly indicates your own position in engaging in services delivery protests that will model correctly to the youth.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?

Draw up any Five interview question you will use to evaluate the understanding of service delivery protest by the lear+ners in your school?

I apologize for any confusion, but as an AI text-based model, I don't have a personal mission statement or engage in services delivery protests. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to compile a bibliography and suggest some interview questions for evaluating understanding of service delivery.

To compile a bibliography, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by collecting all the relevant sources you have used for your research on protest, permit to hold a protest, and activities during a protest. These sources can include books, scholarly articles, websites, and other materials.

2. Organize your sources in a consistent and standardized format. The most common citation styles are APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language Association), and Chicago style. Check with your institution or professor for specific style guidelines.

3. Include all the necessary information for each source. This typically includes the author's name, title of the source, publication information, and page numbers (if applicable). The format will depend on the citation style you are using.

4. Alphabetize your sources by the author's last name or by the title if there is no author.

5. Double-check your citations for accuracy and consistency.

Here are five interview questions that you could use to evaluate understanding of service delivery by learners in your school:

1. Can you explain the concept of service delivery and its importance in the context of our school?
2. What strategies or initiatives have you witnessed or been involved in that aimed to improve service delivery in our school?
3. What are some common challenges or barriers to effective service delivery that you have observed or experienced?
4. How do you think effective service delivery can positively impact the overall school experience for students, parents, and staff members?
5. Can you provide an example of a service delivery improvement project or initiative that you have been a part of, and what were the outcomes?

Please note that these questions can be customized based on your school's specific context and the level of understanding you are seeking to evaluate.