There are 6 buses transporting students to a baseball game with 32 students On each buss. each row at thebaseball stadium seats eight students if the students fill up all the Rows of seats will the students need altogether.

32 * 6 = 192 students

192 / 8 = _______ rows

To find out if the rows of seats will accommodate all the students, we need to calculate the total number of seats available and compare it to the number of students.

First, let's calculate the total number of seats in the rows. We know that each row seats 8 students, so we need to find out how many rows are needed to accommodate all the students.

We have 6 buses, and each bus carries 32 students, so the total number of students is: 6 buses * 32 students/bus = 192 students.

To find the number of rows needed, we divide the total number of students by the number of students per row: 192 students / 8 students/row = 24 rows.

So, if all the rows are filled with students, we would need a total of 24 rows.

To summarize, if the stadium has at least 24 rows of seats, it would be enough to accommodate all 192 students.