why did marilyn lee cross aboard the EDS

To find out why Marilyn Lee crossed aboard the EDS (Emergency Deployment System), we would need more information regarding the specific context or event you are referring to. Without additional details, it is difficult to provide a specific answer. However, I can explain how you can try to find the answer yourself.

1. Identify the specific event or context: Determine which incident or event involving Marilyn Lee and the EDS you are referring to. For example, Marilyn Lee could be a character in a book, movie, or real-life story.

2. Conduct a web search: Use search engines like Google to search for relevant information about Marilyn Lee and the EDS in relation to the specific event you are referring to. Add relevant keywords such as the event name, character name, or other details that could help narrow down the search.

3. Check reliable sources: Look for reputable sources such as news articles, official websites, or books that provide accurate and verified information about the event. Be cautious of unreliable or biased sources that may provide inaccurate information.

4. Read accounts or summaries: Once you find relevant sources, read through them to gather information about why Marilyn Lee crossed aboard the EDS. Look for direct quotes from characters, statements from authors or creators, or any other reliable information that explains the character's motivations or actions.

By following these steps, you should be able to find reliable information about why Marilyn Lee crossed aboard the EDS in the specific context you are referring to.

please help me

What story? What author? What do you think?