Victoria buys two pairs of sunglasses for $8 each.About how mucho did she pay for Both pairs of glasses?Foundation to the nearest ten.Solbes the problem using the gourmet Stephen plan


Foundation nearest 10?
gourmet Stephen plan?

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To solve this problem using the Gourmet Stephen plan, we need to follow a four-step process:

1. Understand the problem: Victoria bought two pairs of sunglasses for $8 each. We need to find out how much she paid for both pairs of glasses.

2. Make a plan: We'll multiply the cost per pair ($8) by the number of pairs (2) to find the total cost.

3. Solve the problem: By multiplying $8 by 2, we get $16.

4. Check the solution: Since the problem asks for an estimate to the nearest ten, rounding $16 to the nearest ten gives us $20.

Therefore, Victoria paid about $20 for both pairs of sunglasses.