Who brought the songhai empire to the height of its power making it the largest in the history of West Africa?

A.)Askiya Muhammad
B.)Mansa Musa
C.)Marco Polo
I think the answer is C.

No. If you had read the article about Marco Polo, you'd know he did not explore in Africa. Go back to your text materials.

No. If you had read the article about Marco Polo, you'd know he did not explore in Africa. Go back to your text materials.


okay well I went back and I got A

Is that correct ?

Actually, the correct answer is A) Askiya Muhammad. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options C) Marco Polo and D) Montezuma because they are not relevant to the history of West Africa. To determine which of the remaining options, A) Askiya Muhammad or B) Mansa Musa, brought the Songhai Empire to the height of its power, we need to evaluate the historical achievements of each ruler.

Mansa Musa was the ruler of the Mali Empire, not the Songhai Empire. Although Mansa Musa played a crucial role in expanding Mali's influence and wealth during his reign, he did not directly contribute to the rise of the Songhai Empire.

On the other hand, Askiya Muhammad was a prominent ruler of the Songhai Empire and is credited with bringing it to the height of its power. Askiya Muhammad was a military leader and administrator who undertook various military campaigns, expanded the empire's territory, and established a centralized administration that strengthened the empire. Hence, option A) is the correct answer.

It is essential to carefully assess the historical context and the contributions of each person involved to arrive at accurate answers in history-related questions.