a man from point A 80 m with beariNBC N 60 degree E walked toward the point of destination C, while another man from point B walked 60m with bearing S 30 degree E also toward C. find the distance between A and B

To find the distance between points A and B, we can use the concept of vectors. Let's break down the given information:

1. Man from point A walks 80 meters with a bearing of N 60° E.
2. Another man from point B walks 60 meters with a bearing of S 30° E.

To calculate the distance between A and B, we need to find the resulting horizontal and vertical components of their movements.

1. Man from point A:
The bearing N 60° E means the angle is measured from the north, towards the east. Therefore, we have a 60° angle from the north. This gives us two components: the horizontal component and the vertical component.

Horizontal component = 80 * cos(60°)
Vertical component = 80 * sin(60°)

2. Another man from point B:
The bearing S 30° E means the angle is measured from the south, towards the east. Therefore, we have a 30° angle from the south. This also gives us two components: the horizontal component and the vertical component.

Horizontal component = 60 * cos(30°)
Vertical component = -60 * sin(30°) [Note: We use a negative sign for the vertical component because it is moving in a southward direction]

To find the distance between A and B, we need to calculate the horizontal and vertical differences between their locations:

Horizontal difference = Horizontal component B - Horizontal component A
Vertical difference = Vertical component B - Vertical component A

Finally, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the distance between A and B:

Distance = sqrt((Horizontal difference)^2 + (Vertical difference)^2)

Make the necessary calculations to find the final result.