The Lyman series.

Of the four lines, 91.2nm, 97.2nm, 102.6 nm, and 121.6nm, which one has the
A. Highest wavelength? _____
B. Highest energy? ______
C. Highest frequency?_(1)____ which equals__(2)____

My answers
A. 91.2
B. 121.6
C. (1) 121.6
C. (2) energy

A and B are not right. By highest wavelength do you mean the longest? The longest wavelength is 121.6 nm and the shortest is 91.2 nm

The shortest wavelength is the highest energy since E = hc/wavelength

C1 is ok. I don't know what C2 means.

To determine which line in the Lyman series has the highest wavelength, energy, and frequency, we need to understand the relationship between these properties.

Wavelength (λ), energy (E), and frequency (ν) are related by the equation:

c = λν

where c is the speed of light.

To find the highest wavelength, we look for the line with the largest value of λ. In this case, the line with the highest wavelength is 121.6nm.

To find the highest energy, we recall that energy is inversely proportional to wavelength. This means that the line with the shortest wavelength will have the highest energy. Therefore, the line with the highest energy is 91.2nm.

Finally, to find the frequency, we rearrange the equation c = λν to solve for ν:

ν = c / λ

Since the speed of light is the same for all lines, we can conclude that the line with the shortest wavelength (highest energy) will have the highest frequency. In this case, the line with the highest frequency is again 91.2nm.

In summary, the answers are:

A. The line with the highest wavelength is 121.6 nm.
B. The line with the highest energy is 91.2 nm.
C. The line with the highest frequency (1) is 91.2 nm, which equals (2) energy.