An example of nickel picking is ? A.parents enrolling their active child in many structured ,sedentary,activites,hopes that he will calm down. B.parents enrolling their active child in many athletic activities in hopes that he will burn off some stream . active choosing to participate in many athletic events.I am think c, 2.extra,missing,or damaged chromosomes ?a. Do not usually disturb development b.sometimes disturb development c,always disturb development d.always cause spontaneous abortion I am think c

Read lots and let us know what you decide.

The word niche picking sorry about that?

Just do the same thing. Go to and search for niche picking -- read lots and let us know.

Also, I can't tell if you have one question plus answer choices or two up there. It's very difficult to understand what you posted. I hope you'll clarify, even though there's no guarantee I'll know what it all means. What kind of "homework" is this??

I retype it out for you

Please hit that Enter (sometimes called Return) key after each question and after each answer choice. This is impossible to understand when you jam everything together like this.

Regarding the first question about an example of nickel picking, the correct answer would be option C: an active choosing to participate in many athletic events. Nickel picking refers to the act of selectively choosing certain examples to support a particular viewpoint or argument. In this case, the individual is actively selecting multiple athletic events to participate in.

For the second question about extra, missing, or damaged chromosomes, the correct answer is option B: sometimes disturb development. Extra, missing, or damaged chromosomes can result in genetic disorders or abnormalities, but the severity of their impact on development can vary. While some genetic conditions may have more significant effects on development, not all situations involving chromosomal anomalies will always disturb development.

It's important to note that as an AI, I can provide information and explanations, but it's always a good practice to reference reliable sources or consult professionals for accurate and comprehensive answers.