which of these people is in the labor force

15 year old high school student who wants a job
a 32 year old mother who stopped working
a 46 year old woman who is unemployed but seeking a job
a 68 year old man who is retired ---------

If you guess first you might get help.

I did I said d

Your choice is the retired 68-year-old? Make sure you know what is meant by "the labor force."


To determine which of these people is in the labor force, we need to understand the definition of the labor force. The labor force includes all individuals who are either employed or actively seeking employment. Let's analyze each person's situation:

1. 15-year-old high school student who wants a job: In most countries, the minimum working age is 16 or 18. Therefore, the 15-year-old high school student is not considered part of the labor force as they do not meet the minimum working age requirement.

2. 32-year-old mother who stopped working: If the 32-year-old mother is not currently employed and is not actively seeking employment, she would not be considered part of the labor force.

3. 46-year-old woman who is unemployed but seeking a job: Based on the information provided, the 46-year-old woman is actively seeking employment. Therefore, she would be considered part of the labor force.

4. 68-year-old man who is retired: A person who is retired is not actively seeking employment and hence is not part of the labor force.

So, among the given options, the only person in the labor force is the 46-year-old unemployed woman who is actively seeking a job.