Li is running a race around the school track. He runs 0.327 kilometer during the first half of the race. What is the distance that he travels in the first half of the race, rounded to the nearest hundredths

فما هو عرصه مستطيل طوله 16 سم و مساحته 122

To find the distance that Li travels in the first half of the race, which is 0.327 kilometer, rounded to the nearest hundredths, we need to look at the decimal part of the number.

The hundredths place is the second decimal place. The digit to the right of the hundredths place is 7. Since it is greater than or equal to 5, we round up the number in the hundredths place.

Therefore, Li travels approximately 0.33 kilometers in the first half of the race, rounded to the nearest hundredths.