If I post is put every 6 feet along the fence that is rectangular and nuts 42 feet long and 36 foot wide how many posts do I need

To find the number of posts you need, you can calculate the perimeter of the fence and divide it by the spacing between each post.

Step 1: Determine the perimeter of the fence.
Perimeter = 2(length + width)
Perimeter = 2(42 ft + 36 ft)
Perimeter = 2(78 ft)
Perimeter = 156 ft

Step 2: Calculate the number of posts.
Since the posts are spaced every 6 feet, divide the perimeter by 6.
Number of posts = Perimeter / Spacing
Number of posts = 156 ft / 6 ft
Number of posts = 26

Therefore, you will need 26 posts to put every 6 feet along the rectangular fence with dimensions of 42 feet long and 36 feet wide.