discuss three practical measures to deal with this environmental issue that causes ill -health on a personal level

Again, what environmental issue?

Is a contaiminated by foreign substance

environmental factors

The environmental issue that causes ill-health may vary, but here are three practical measures that can be taken on a personal level to address it:

1. Identify the specific environmental issue: The first step is to identify the root cause of the environmental issue that is impacting your health. This could be anything from air pollution to contaminated water sources or exposure to harmful chemicals. Understanding the specific problem will help you take targeted actions.

2. Minimize exposure: Once you have identified the environmental issue, take steps to minimize your exposure to it. For example, if air pollution is a concern, use air purifiers in your home, avoid heavily polluted areas, and wear masks when necessary. If it is contaminated water, consider installing a water filtration system or buying bottled water. If the issue is related to chemicals, use non-toxic household products and minimize pesticide use in your surroundings.

3. Adopt sustainable lifestyle choices: Another measure is to adopt sustainable lifestyle choices that can have a positive impact on the environment and your health. For instance, reduce energy consumption by using energy-efficient appliances, insulate your home, and opt for public transportation, cycling, or walking instead of using a car. Consume locally sourced, organic food to reduce exposure to pesticides, and minimize waste by recycling and composting. These actions can help reduce the overall environmental impact and subsequently improve personal health.

Remember, addressing environmental issues requires collective effort. Apart from the personal measures mentioned above, it is crucial to engage in advocacy, support environmental organizations, and advocate for systemic changes to ensure long-term solutions.