illustrate three ways on how this issue can impact negatively to the health of the people in school or community

First, the name of your school is not the subject you are studying. Second, what issue are you referring? We have not read your textbook or study materials, you have.

To keep the school clean and the learning area clean

To community take care for each other and put dust bin all over the place

Illustrate three ways on how this issue can impart negatively to the health of people in my school

Certainly! Here are three ways how an issue can negatively impact the health of people in a school or community:

1. Spread of Infectious Diseases: One way an issue can impact health is by facilitating the spread of infectious diseases within the school or community. If there is a lack of awareness or preventive measures, diseases like flu, common cold, or even more serious ones like measles or COVID-19 can easily spread. Close contact among students or community members, inadequate hygiene practices, and compromised immune systems can worsen the situation.

To mitigate this impact, it is crucial for schools or communities to prioritize health education, promote good hygiene practices (such as handwashing, covering mouth while coughing/sneezing), and ensure the availability of necessary facilities (clean water, sanitizers, etc.) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

2. Psychological Stress: An issue affecting a school or community can also lead to a rise in psychological stress, subsequently impacting overall health. For instance, if there is widespread bullying, high levels of academic pressure, or constant exposure to violence, it can result in stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues among students or community members.

To address this, schools and communities should prioritize mental health support by providing access to counseling services, implementing anti-bullying policies, creating safe and supportive environments, encouraging open communication, and organizing stress-reducing activities like mindfulness sessions or extracurricular activities.

3. Environmental Hazards: Another way an issue can negatively impact health is through exposure to environmental hazards. For instance, if there is contamination of air, water, or soil due to industrial pollutants, improper waste management, or poor infrastructure, it can cause respiratory problems, skin diseases, or even long-term health issues such as cancer.

To tackle such environmental hazards, schools and communities should advocate for and participate in local environmental initiatives, promote sustainable practices, educate about pollution prevention, strengthen waste management systems, and collaborate with local authorities to ensure a clean and safe environment for everyone.

Overall, recognizing these potential negative impacts and taking proactive measures is essential to safeguard the health of people in schools and communities.