List several anions, by formula, that contribute to the salinity of a water sample.

Is this the answer? :

sodium , Na

What does it mean by formula?

thanks so much !

chloride Cl^-

sulfate SO4^2-
sodium , Na Na^+
bicarbonate HCO3^-
carbonate etc
bromide etc
fluoride etc

salinity is normally how much NaCl

Na+ is a cation
Cl- is an anion

Yes, the answer you provided is correct. The formula refers to the chemical formula or symbol used to represent each ion. Here are the anions and their formulas:

- Chloride: Cl-
- Sulfate: SO4^2-
- Sodium: Na+
- Bicarbonate: HCO3-
- Carbonate: CO3^2-
- Bromide: Br-
- Fluoride: F-

Yes, your answer is correct. The anions that contribute to the salinity of a water sample are:

- Chloride (Cl-)
- Sulfate (SO42-)
- Sodium (Na+)
- Bicarbonate (HCO3-)
- Carbonate (CO32-)
- Bromide (Br-)
- Fluoride (F-)

In this context, "formula" refers to the chemical formula of each anion. Chemical formulas are a way of representing the types and numbers of atoms present in a chemical compound. For example, the chemical formula for chloride is Cl-, which indicates one chlorine atom gaining an electron to form a negatively charged ion.

If you want to determine the presence and concentration of these anions in a water sample, you can perform an analysis called ion chromatography or use appropriate chemical tests and instruments. These tests can help you quantify the amount of each specific anion present in the sample.