Which of the following is not true about bias.

A. Personal bias involves the influence of your own likes and dislikes
B. Ethical bias involves basing a conclusion on too little data
C. Cultural bias is influence from culture in which you grew up
D. Experimental bias is a mistake in the design of an experiment that favors one result over another

The answer is clearly B

XD Bonnie

What does too little data have to do with ethical bias ?

whats the answer ?


The answer for this question would be B for everyone who is like "WHAT's THE FLIPPIN' ANSWER!?"

Thank you Bonnie



To determine which statement is not true about bias, we need to understand the different types of biases mentioned in the options and evaluate their accuracy.

A. Personal bias involves the influence of your own likes and dislikes. This statement accurately defines personal bias, which is a subjective inclination or prejudice influenced by an individual's preferences or opinions.

B. Ethical bias involves basing a conclusion on too little data. This statement correctly describes ethical bias, which occurs when a conclusion is drawn without sufficient or proper evidence. Therefore, this statement is accurate.

C. Cultural bias is influence from the culture in which you grew up. This statement also accurately defines cultural bias, which refers to the tendency to favor or perceive the world through the lens of one's own cultural background. Hence, this statement is accurate.

D. Experimental bias is a mistake in the design of an experiment that favors one result over another. This statement is inaccurate. Experimental bias refers to the unintentional errors or flaws in the design or conduct of an experiment that systematically skews the results in favor of a particular outcome. Therefore, it is the statement that is not true about bias.

In summary, the statement that is not true about bias is D. Experimental bias is a mistake in the design of an experiment that favors one result over another.

anyone know