Yesterday you borrowed $30 from your brother. Every day that you don't pay it back, you owe $2.00 more. So today, day 1, you owe him $32.00; on day 2 you will owe him $34.00; on day 3 you will owe him $36.00, etc. If you still haven't paid him back, how much will you owe him on day 22? Possible answers:


I calculate $660.00

day1 = 30+2

day2 = 30+2(2)
day3 = 30+3(2)
day10 = 30+10(2)
day22 = 30+22(2) = 74

Doesn't 660 seem totally illogical?

Thank you, yes.

Reiny, you're forgettin' the vig!

how the hell did you get 660? haha

To find out how much you will owe on day 22, we can use the formula:

Amount owed = Initial amount + (number of days - 1) * Increase per day

In this case, the initial amount is $30 and the increase per day is $2. The number of days is 22.

So, plugging in the values:

Amount owed = $30 + (22 - 1) * $2
Amount owed = $30 + 21 * $2
Amount owed = $30 + $42
Amount owed = $72

Therefore, on day 22, you will owe your brother $72.