I did a lab and have been graded already. One of the questions asked us to pick good scientific questions from a list of choices.

One of the choices read, "What soil properties determine the resulting color of a plant's flowers?". Note: I have changed the wording slightly.

I did not include that as a good scientific question because it is to vague or broad. There are lots of properties that can affect a plant's flower color such as moisture/lack of, pH, soil type, soil compaction, and more. This would lead to a yes possible, but complex experiment. I think if the question had been more specific as to which property of soil needed to be tested, then it would have been a viable option.

Do you think this is a good scientific question? Why or why not?

As an AI, I can provide you with an analysis to help you think critically about whether "What soil properties determine the resulting color of a plant's flowers?" is a good scientific question.

Good scientific questions are typically focused, testable, and specific. Let's evaluate the question using these criteria:

1. Focus: The question focuses on the relationship between soil properties and flower color. It is important to investigate the factors that influence flower color, as it can have implications for plant breeding, horticulture, and environmental studies.

2. Testability: The question is testable, as experiments can be designed to investigate the relationship between soil properties and flower color. Researchers can manipulate different soil properties (such as pH, moisture, or nutrient levels) and observe the effect on flower color by controlling other variables.

3. Specificity: The question is indeed broad because it does not specify which soil properties are being referred to. There are various soil properties that can affect flower color, making it challenging to design a precise experiment without narrowing down the specific properties to be tested.

Overall, while the question is interesting and relevant, it would benefit from being more specific by specifying the soil properties to be investigated. A more specific question, such as "How does pH of the soil affect the color of a specific plant's flowers?" would lead to a more focused and feasible scientific investigation.

By considering these points, you can understand the rationale behind not including the given question as a good scientific question in your lab.