What are the two main reasons for “a wave of discontent directed at those who have represented [the people] over the decades” as discussed in the article

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These reasons are clearly stated in this article, but if you need a summary, check this link: brainly. co. za/question/19524 just remove spaces

To find the two main reasons for "a wave of discontent directed at those who have represented the people over the decades," you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the article being referred to: Determine the specific article being mentioned in the question. This information will help you locate and analyze the content accurately.

2. Locate the article: Use search engines or relevant databases to find the article mentioned in the question. It's important to establish the source material to understand the context and content fully.

3. Read the article: Carefully read the entire article to gain a comprehensive understanding of its main arguments and key points.

4. Identify the reasons: As you read the article, look for any statements, evidence, or arguments that explain why there is a wave of discontent directed at those who have represented the people over the decades. Pay attention to any recurring themes or specific factors that the author highlights.

5. Analyze and prioritize reasons: After identifying various reasons mentioned in the article, analyze their significance and impact. Look for recurring patterns or themes that suggest two main reasons that stand out above others. Evaluate the author's perspective and consider the evidence presented to determine the most prominent factors explaining the discontent.

6. Answer the question: Based on your analysis, state the two main reasons that the article provides for the wave of discontent directed at the representatives over the decades. Be sure to support your answer with evidence or examples from the article.

Without access to the specific article you are referring to, I am unable to provide the two main reasons in this case. However, by following the suggested steps, you should be able to identify the key reasons by reading and analyzing the article directly.