Explain how you can use a straightedge and a compass to construct an angle that is both congruent and adjacent to a given angle.

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To construct an angle that is both congruent and adjacent to a given angle using a straightedge and a compass, follow these steps:

1. Start with a given angle, which will serve as your reference angle. Label the two arms of the angle as AB and AC.
2. Place the compass tip at point A, and draw an arc that intersects one arm of the angle, let's say AB. Label this intersection point as D.
3. Without changing the radius of the compass, place the compass tip at point D and draw another arc in the interior of the angle.
4. Without changing the compass width, place the compass tip at point B and draw an arc that intersects the previous arc drawn in step 3. Label this intersection point as E.
5. Use a straightedge to draw a line segment from point D to point E. This segment should pass through point A.
6. The resulting angle, marked as DAE, will be congruent to the given angle (AB) and adjacent to it since it shares a common arm (AD).

By following these steps, you can construct an angle that is both congruent and adjacent to a given angle. Remember to be precise with your compass and straightedge constructions to obtain accurate results.