Brooke and Georgia are neighbors. Each have 40 hours per week. Brooke needs 5 hours to paint a beautiful picture and 2 hours to make a picture frame. Georgia takes 8 hours to paint an equally beautiful picture and 4 hours to make a picture frame. What two conditions are necessary for Brooke to produce on her PPF?

To determine the conditions necessary for Brooke to produce on her Production Possibility Frontier (PPF), we need to understand what a PPF represents. A PPF shows the maximum amount of output that can be produced given the available resources and technology.

In this case, the PPF represents the combination of beautiful pictures and picture frames that Brooke can produce. To find the conditions necessary for Brooke to produce on her PPF, we need to compare the time it takes her to produce a picture and a frame with the total available time she has.

Condition 1: Time Constraint
The first condition is that the total time Brooke spends on producing pictures and frames should not exceed the total available time she has. We know that Brooke has 40 hours per week. Therefore, the total time she spends on painting pictures and making frames should be less than or equal to 40 hours.

Condition 2: Trade-off
The second condition is that Brooke needs to make a trade-off between producing pictures and producing frames. A PPF indicates that resources are limited, so producing more of one good requires reducing the production of the other good. In this case, Brooke needs to allocate her time between painting pictures and making frames, considering the time it takes for each activity.

To determine if Brooke is producing on her PPF, we need to check if both of these conditions are met. If the total time she spends on painting pictures and making frames is less than or equal to 40 hours, and she has made the optimal trade-off between the two activities, then she is producing on her PPF.

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