Explain how you can use a straightedge and a compass to construct an angle that is both congruent and adjacent to a given angle.

this online school stuff is so depressing man

i only came here to get good grades so my family can be proud of me 😔

true...but I have barely any friends and im isolated from society...

Summary of comments no awnser to question. the comments themselves 10/10 would read again!

"Ugh" is my answer everytime someone asks "ready for school!?"

I think the answer is that you use the straightedge to draw two parallel lines and then you draw a line that goes through them that is perpendicular. You then use the compass to measure the angles, they should be congruent and adjacent. Any help would be appreciated.

So like. Will I be failing Geometry this year or what?

Me who has been doing online school for 8+ years looking back on how depressed i was (still am)

but at least I get to nap after school if I want

these comments are concerning- i just need help....