Write a C++ program for an amusement park to display the bill for the cashier. The pricing schedule is as follows:

Category Price
Children $ 10.00 each
Adults $ 20.50 each

write a program to compute final grades for Introduction to Computers course. For each student the program should ask the user to enter first name, last name, age, the over all Percentage and then display the student's final grade (use structure to store these information and another to store Percentage and grade). The final grade is calculated by, if Percentage is grater than or equal 90 the grade is 'A'. if Percentage is grater than or equal 57 the grade is 'B', and the Percentage is anything else the grade is 'F', the program should display output like that:

Enter first name: Ahmed
Enter last name: Ali
Enter age: 19
Enter overall percent: 98
Your overall percent score is 98 for a grade of A

Sure, I can help you with that! Here's a sample code in C++ to calculate and display the bill for the cashier at an amusement park based on the given pricing schedule:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int numChildren, numAdults;
double childrenPrice = 10.00, adultPrice = 20.50;
double totalBill;

// Input the number of children and adults
cout << "Enter the number of children: ";
cin >> numChildren;
cout << "Enter the number of adults: ";
cin >> numAdults;

// Calculate the total bill
totalBill = (numChildren * childrenPrice) + (numAdults * adultPrice);

// Display the bill for the cashier
cout << "\nBill Summary:\n";
cout << "--------------\n";
cout << "Number of children: " << numChildren << endl;
cout << "Number of adults: " << numAdults << endl;
cout << "Total bill: $" << totalBill << endl;

return 0;

In this program, we first declare the necessary variables, `numChildren` and `numAdults`, to store the user-inputted number of children and adults, respectively. We also declare the prices for children and adults as `childrenPrice` and `adultPrice` variables.

Then, we prompt the user to enter the number of children and adults using `cin` and store the values in the respective variables.

Next, we calculate the total bill by multiplying the number of children by the price per child (`numChildren * childrenPrice`) and the number of adults by the price per adult (`numAdults * adultPrice`). We add these two values together and store it in the `totalBill` variable.

Finally, we display the bill details for the cashier using `cout`. We include the number of children, number of adults, and the total bill amount.

Please note that this is just a basic example to demonstrate the logic. You may need to modify or enhance it according to your specific requirements.