need help how do this program.

Use the top-down modular approach and pseudocode to design a suitable program to solve it.
Alberta Einstein teaches a business class at Podunk University. To evaluate the students in this class, she has given three tests. It is now the end of the semester and Alberta asks you to create a program that inputs each student’s test scores and outputs the average score for each student and the overall class average. (Hint: The outer loop should allow for Ms. Einstein to input all the students, one by one, and the inner loop should accept the three exam scores and compute the average for each student.)

for n=1,3

  print "name: ";read name
  for t=1,3
    print "test     score #:,t
    read s
    sum += s
  next t
  avg = sum/3
  print "average: ",avg
next n

You might want to use an array or two, but the problem didn't say to do so.

Sure, I can help you with that. Here's a step-by-step approach to designing a program to solve the problem:

1. Begin by defining the necessary variables and constants. You will need variables to store the number of students and their test scores, as well as variables to calculate the averages. For example:
- `numStudents` (integer) to store the number of students
- `testScores` (2D integer array) to store the test scores for each student
- `studentAverage` (float array) to store the average score for each student
- `classAverage` (float) to store the overall class average

2. Prompt the user to enter the number of students.

3. Use a loop to iterate through each student and collect their test scores. Within the loop:
- Prompt the user to enter the test scores for each student.
- Calculate the average score for each student using the formula: sum of test scores / number of tests.
- Store the average score in the `studentAverage` array.

4. Calculate the overall class average by summing up all the individual student averages and dividing by the number of students.

5. Output the average score for each student and the overall class average.

Here's the pseudocode for the program:

1. Declare variables and constants
numStudents <- 0
testScores <- [[]] // 2D array to store test scores
studentAverage <- [] // Array to store average score for each student
classAverage <- 0.0

2. Read numStudents from the user

3. For i = 1 to numStudents, do
a. For j = 1 to 3, do
- Prompt the user to enter the test score for student i, test j
- Read and store the test score in testScores[i][j]

b. Calculate the average score for student i
studentAverage[i] <- (testScores[i][1] + testScores[i][2] + testScores[i][3]) / 3.0

4. Calculate the class average
classSum <- 0.0
For i = 1 to numStudents, do
- classSum <- classSum + studentAverage[i]
classAverage <- classSum / numStudents

5. Output the average score for each student
For i = 1 to numStudents, do
- Output "Average score for student ", i, ": ", studentAverage[i]

6. Output the overall class average
Output "Overall class average: ", classAverage

Remember, this is just the logic and structure of the program. You will need to implement it in a programming language of your choice. I hope this helps you get started! Let me know if you have any further questions.

To design a program that solves this problem, you can use the top-down modular approach and pseudocode. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Start by defining the main program.

Program CalculateStudentAverages
Input: Number of students
Output: Student averages and class average

Initialize variables for overall class average and total number of students

Loop for the specified number of students
Call a function to input the test scores for each student
Call a function to calculate the average score for each student
Add the student's average to the overall class average
Display the student's average

Calculate and display the class average

End Program

2. Define the function to input the test scores for each student.

Function InputTestScores
Output: Test scores for each student

Initialize variables for each test score

Loop for the specified number of tests
Prompt the user to enter the test score
Input the test score

Return the test scores

End Function

3. Define the function to calculate the average score for each student.

Function CalculateAverageScore
Input: Test scores for each student
Output: Average score for each student

Initialize a variable to store the sum of the test scores

Loop through each test score
Add each test score to the sum

Calculate the average by dividing the sum by the number of tests

Return the average score

End Function

4. Implement the pseudocode in the programming language of your choice.

Here's a Python example:

def input_test_scores(number_of_tests):
test_scores = []
for i in range(number_of_tests):
test_score = float(input("Enter test score: "))
return test_scores

def calculate_average_score(test_scores):
sum_scores = sum(test_scores)
average_score = sum_scores / len(test_scores)
return average_score

def calculate_student_averages(number_of_students):
class_average = 0
for i in range(number_of_students):
print("Student", i + 1)
test_scores = input_test_scores(3)
average = calculate_average_score(test_scores)
class_average += average
print("Average score:", average)
class_average /= number_of_students
print("Class average:", class_average)

number_of_students = int(input("Enter the number of students: "))

In this Python example, the program prompts the user to input the number of students, and then uses the other functions to input the test scores, calculate the average scores, and display the results.