Describe how to order 7,463, 74,633, 74,366 from least to greatest

Line the numbers up by place value

To order the numbers 7,463, 74,633, and 74,366 from least to greatest, follow these steps:

1. Start by comparing the thousands places of the numbers. The largest digit in the thousands place is 7, so the starting number is 7,463.

2. Next, compare the remaining numbers: 74,633 and 74,366. Since both of these numbers start with 74, compare the hundreds place digit of each number. The hundreds place digit in 74,633 is 6, while the hundreds place digit in 74,366 is 3. Therefore, the next number in order is 74,366.

3. Finally, we have 74,633 left. Since it's the only remaining number, it is the largest.

Therefore, the numbers 7,463, 74,366, and 74,633 are ordered from least to greatest as follows: 7,463, 74,366, 74,633.

Think of those numbers as money. Would you rather have seven thousand or seventy-four thousand dollars?

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