Please help! Classify each sentence.

1. Sit in the recliner near the fireplace and relax tonight after dinner.
2. Yesterday I accidentally tripped on my shoelace and fell down the steps of the bus!

To classify each sentence, you would need to analyze the structure and purpose of each sentence. Here are the steps to classify the sentences:

1. Sentence 1: "Sit in the recliner near the fireplace and relax tonight after dinner."

To classify this sentence, we need to identify its type:
- This sentence is an imperative sentence because it gives a command or instruction.
- It is also a compound sentence because it is comprised of two independent clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction "and."

2. Sentence 2: "Yesterday I accidentally tripped on my shoelace and fell down the steps of the bus!"

To classify this sentence, we need to identify its type:
- This sentence is a declarative sentence because it makes a statement or expresses a fact.
- It is also a complex sentence because it is comprised of one independent clause ("Yesterday I accidentally tripped on my shoelace") and one dependent clause ("and fell down the steps of the bus").

By analyzing the sentence types and structures, we can classify Sentence 1 as an imperative compound sentence and Sentence 2 as a declarative complex sentence.

What categories of classification do you use in Shurley English?

In standard English grammar, both are simple sentences with compound verbs.