The completion times for three runners in a 100-yard dash are 9.75 seconds, 9.7 seconds, and 9.675 seconds. Which is the least time?

Think of it as money. Which is least?


To determine which completion time is the least, we need to compare the three given times: 9.75 seconds, 9.7 seconds, and 9.675 seconds.

One way to do this is to directly compare the numbers. Another way is to convert the given times to decimals and then compare them.

Let me convert the given times to decimals:

9.75 seconds = 9.75
9.7 seconds = 9.7
9.675 seconds = 9.675

Now, comparing these decimals, we can see that 9.675 is the least time, since it is the smallest value among the three decimals.

Therefore, the runner who completed the 100-yard dash in 9.675 seconds has the least time.
