1. Which side of the health triangle corresponds to getting enough rest?

a) physical health
b) social health
c) mental and emotional health***
d) none of the above
Am I right?

it has physical and social health on the sides and mental and emotional on the bottom

I think there are two correct answers: a and c.

ok, thank you

the answer was a) physical health

Which one??


Yes, you are correct! The side of the health triangle that corresponds to getting enough rest is c) mental and emotional health. Rest is essential for maintaining good mental and emotional well-being. To arrive at this answer, you can examine the different components of the health triangle and evaluate how they relate to rest. The physical health side of the triangle typically focuses on aspects like exercise, nutrition, and sleep, but rest can be specifically associated with mental and emotional health.

Do you have an image of a "health triangle" in your text? I have no image to check. What does your text say?