which of these factors does not contribute to the income potential

the education required to be successful at a job
the amount of income a person wants to make at a job
the special skills needed to do a job well
the enjoyment a person finds in a job -----

elias howe invented which of the following

To determine which of these factors does not contribute to income potential, let's analyze each option:

1. The education required to be successful at a job: This factor typically plays a significant role in determining income potential. Generally, higher levels of education or specific qualifications can lead to higher-paying job opportunities.

2. The amount of income a person wants to make at a job: While personal income goals can influence career and job choices, they do not directly determine income potential. The desired income may act as a motivating factor for individuals but does not guarantee financial success.

3. The special skills needed to do a job well: Specialized skills are often highly valued by employers, as they typically contribute to job performance and productivity. Possessing valuable skills can lead to job opportunities with higher income potential.

4. The enjoyment a person finds in a job: Although job satisfaction is crucial for personal well-being, it does not necessarily correlate with income potential. One may find a fulfilling job that pays well, or conversely, a job they enjoy that pays less.

Based on the analysis, the factor that does not directly contribute to income potential is "the enjoyment a person finds in a job." While job satisfaction can impact other aspects of life, it doesn't guarantee a higher income on its own. Other factors like education, specialized skills, and income expectations are more closely tied to income potential.

I think all of those are right. However, your answer is probably best, considering your choices.