Consider the system of equations A ⊗ x = b where

(i) A ∈ R
max , x ∈ R
max, b ∈ R
max and Rmax = R ∪ {−∞},
(ii) ⊗ denotes the max-plus matrix (or matrix-vector) product based
on the arithmetic operations of ”addition” a ⊕ b := max(a, b) and
”multiplication” a ⊗ b := a + b.
Formulate and prove:
(i) Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of a solution,
(ii) Necessary and sufficient conditions for uniqueness of a solution

To determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution to the system of equations A ⊗ x = b, let's break it down step by step.

(i) Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Existence of a Solution:
To check the existence of a solution, we need to determine if there exists a vector x that satisfies the equation A ⊗ x = b.

The necessary condition for the existence of a solution is that the number of rows of matrix A (denoted as m) should be equal to the length of vector b. In other words, m = length(b). This condition ensures that the system of equations is compatible, as the dimensions of A and b align properly for multiplication.

The sufficient condition for the existence of a solution is that the rank of matrix A (denoted as rank(A)) should be equal to the rank of the augmented matrix [A|b]. The rank of a matrix is the maximum number of linearly independent rows or columns. If rank(A) = rank([A|b]), then it implies that no row in the augmented matrix represents a redundant equation, ensuring that the system is consistent.

Therefore, the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution is:
m = length(b) and rank(A) = rank([A|b]).

(ii) Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Uniqueness of a Solution:
To check the uniqueness of a solution, we need to determine if there is only one vector x that satisfies the equation A ⊗ x = b.

The necessary condition for the uniqueness of a solution is that the rank of matrix A should be equal to the number of variables in vector x (denoted as n). In other words, rank(A) = n. This condition ensures that all the variables in x can be uniquely determined, without any dependency.

The sufficient condition for the uniqueness of a solution is that the matrix A is full rank. A matrix is full rank if its rank is equal to the minimum of its number of rows and columns, which is max(m, n) in this case.

Therefore, the necessary and sufficient condition for the uniqueness of a solution is:
rank(A) = n and rank(A) = max(m, n).

To prove these conditions rigorously, you would need to employ linear algebra techniques such as Gaussian elimination, matrix rank calculations, and verification of the compatibility of the system.

Keep in mind that these conditions are specific to the max-plus matrix product and may differ for other matrix operations or arithmetic operations.