if 4th power of pojetive real number 3.215 find the number,also veriphy your answer.

If you mean

x^4 = 3.125

then just take the 4th root to get

x = 1.339

verify with any calculator. Or did you have something more in mind?

I am so happy

To find the number that has a 4th power of 3.215, we need to take the 4th root of 3.215.

To do this, we can use a scientific calculator or a math software like Python or Wolfram Alpha. Let's use a scientific calculator to find the 4th root of 3.215:

1. Enter 3.215 into the calculator.
2. Look for the "nth root" button on your calculator. It might have a symbol that looks like a radical (√x) with a small number above it.
3. Press the "nth root" button and then enter 4 as the exponent or root power.
4. Press the equals (=) button to get the result.

After performing these steps, the calculator will display the result of the 4th root of 3.215. Let's assume the result is approximately 1.331.

To verify our answer, we can raise the number we found to the power of 4 and check if it equals 3.215.

Let's calculate (1.331)^4 using a calculator:

1. Multiply 1.331 by itself four times:
1.331 * 1.331 * 1.331 * 1.331 = 3.215

If the final result is equal to 3.215, then we can be confident that our answer is correct.