find the slope of each line 9x+2y=-8 and y=0 thanks who can help me

wright the slope-intercept from of the equation of each line x-y=-7 and x-2y=-2

y=0 is the same as y = 0x+0

so, its slope is zero.

9x+2y = -8 is the same as
2y = -9x - 8
y = -9/2 x - 4
so its slope is -9/2

Try the others. Rearrange stuff to get y all alone on the left side, as I did above.

To find the slope of a line, we need to write the equation of the line in slope-intercept form: y = mx + b, where m represents the slope. Let's solve each equation step-by-step:

1) 9x + 2y = -8

To put this equation in slope-intercept form, we need to isolate y:

9x + 2y = -8
2y = -9x - 8
y = (-9/2)x - 4

Now we can see that the slope (m) of this line is -9/2.

2) y = 0

The equation y = 0 already fits the slope-intercept form, where the slope (m) is 0.

To summarize:
- The slope of the line 9x + 2y = -8 is -9/2.
- The slope of the line y = 0 is 0.

I can help you find the slope of each line!

To find the slope of a line, we need to rewrite the equation in slope-intercept form, which is of the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope.

Let's start with the equation 9x + 2y = -8.

Step 1: Solve for y.

To do this, we need to isolate y on one side of the equation. Subtract 9x from both sides:
2y = -9x - 8

Step 2: Divide by 2 to get y alone.
y = (-9/2)x - 4

Now we can see that the equation is in slope-intercept form y = mx + b, where m = -9/2. Therefore, the slope of the line is -9/2.

Now let's move on to the equation y = 0.

In this equation, y is constant and equal to 0. This means that the line is a horizontal line passing through the x-axis.

The slope of a horizontal line is always 0. This is because the line does not have any vertical change, only horizontal.

So, the slope of the line y = 0 is 0.

Therefore, the slopes of the given lines are -9/2 and 0, respectively.