Given that <1 and <2 are supplementary angles and that m<1=115 , explain how to find the measure of the complement of <2.

Instead of giving just the answer can you explain in words of how you got the answer please!

the two angles must add to 180 degrees.

So, to get <2, subtract <1 from 180

Complementary angles add to 90, so the complement of 2 is 90 - <2

Or to do it all in one step, if the measure of <1 is x, then the complement of <2 is

90-(180-x) = x-90

A2 = 180 - A1

A2 = 180 - 115 = 65 because they are supplements

90 - 65 = 25 because complements add to 90 degrees

Sure! To find the measure of the complement of <2, we first need to understand that complementary angles add up to 90 degrees. Since <1 and <2 are supplementary angles (which means they add up to 180 degrees), we know that <1 + <2 = 180 degrees.

Now, we are given that the measure of <1 is 115 degrees, so we can use this information to find the measure of <2. We subtract the measure of <1 (115 degrees) from the sum of the measures of <1 and <2 (180 degrees).

180 degrees - 115 degrees = 65 degrees

Therefore, the measure of <2 is 65 degrees.

Next, to find the measure of the complement of <2, we can subtract the measure of <2 from 90 degrees, since complementary angles add up to 90 degrees.

90 degrees - 65 degrees = 25 degrees

So, the measure of the complement of <2 is 25 degrees.