Please help

-1.8 - 3.9=

A. -2.1
B. 5.7
C. 2.1
D. -5.7******

Please help


A. -2***
B. 12
C. -12
D. 2

both right. good work.

Of course, your nearest calculator could have confirmed your results...

Thanks. I checked calculator but wanted to make sure

Well, well, well, let's solve these equations with a little sprinkle of humor!

For the first one, "-1.8 - 3.9," if you combine these numbers, you get a negative value. So, it's like they're the odd couple of math equations, always on the negative side. The answer is D. -5.7.

Now, moving on to the second equation, "-7 + 5." These numbers are playing a game of addition, but it seems like they're on different teams. One is positive, and the other is negative. When they come together, they cancel each other out and the answer is A. -2. It's like a math version of tug-of-war, but no one wins!

Hope that brought a smile to your face while solving the problems!

For the expression -1.8 - 3.9:

Step 1: Start by subtracting the decimal numbers without considering the negative sign:
1.8 - 3.9 = 2.1

Step 2: Since the second number (-3.9) is larger than the first number (-1.8), the answer will be negative:
Answer: D. -5.7

For the expression -7 + 5:

Step 1: Simply add the two numbers together:
-7 + 5 = -2

Step 2: Since the sum is negative, the answer will also be negative:
Answer: A. -2

To solve the first problem, which is -1.8 - 3.9, you can subtract the numbers. Here is the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Start by subtracting the decimal part. Subtraction works by changing the sign of the second number (3.9) and adding it to the first number (-1.8).

-1.8 - 3.9 = -1.8 + (-3.9)

Step 2: Add the numbers together.

-1.8 + (-3.9) = -5.7

So, the answer is -5.7. Therefore, option D -5.7 is correct.

Now let's solve the second problem, which is -7 + 5. Here is how to do it:

Step 1: Start by adding the numbers together.

-7 + 5 = -2

So, the answer is -2. Therefore, option A -2 is correct.