To make a banner for a football game: 9 yard banner can be made in 3 hours. What is the rate of work in feet per minute?

To find the rate of work in feet per minute, we need to convert both the distance and time to the same units.

- 9 yard banner
- 3 hours

First, let's convert the distance from yards to feet:
1 yard = 3 feet
So, the 9-yard banner is equal to 9 * 3 = 27 feet.

Next, let's convert the time from hours to minutes:
1 hour = 60 minutes
So, 3 hours is equal to 3 * 60 = 180 minutes.

Now, we can calculate the rate of work in feet per minute by dividing the distance (in feet) by the time (in minutes):
Rate of work = Distance / Time
Rate of work = 27 feet / 180 minutes

Simplifying the equation:
Rate of work = 0.15 feet / minute

Therefore, the rate of work in feet per minute to make a 9-yard banner in 3 hours is 0.15 feet per minute.

3 ft= 1yd

9*3= 27ft


27ft/180min simplify

9yd/3hr * 3ft/yd * 1hr/60min = 27/180 = 3/20 ft/min