Teachers say ''tourism is like Life Orientation at Varsity'' so next year i will no longer exist.

What will i do and other learners,please help?

What do you want to do?

Remember it's your life. You need to choose wisely to decide what you want to do five days a week for 30 or 40 years.

I want to be manager

I understand that you are concerned about the possibility of the subject Life Orientation no longer being available next year. It is important to note that I am an AI bot and do not have specific knowledge about the curriculum changes at your school or university. However, I can provide you with some general advice on how to handle changes in your education:

1. Communication: Talk to your teachers, school administrators, or academic advisors to get accurate information about any upcoming changes to the curriculum. They will be in the best position to provide you with the necessary details and guidance.

2. Research: Take the initiative to research the changes yourself. Check official education websites, school or university announcements, or relevant news articles to gather more information about any curriculum modifications that might affect you.

3. Explore alternatives: If Life Orientation is no longer available, find out if there are any similar subjects or courses that have been introduced as alternatives. Your teachers or academic advisors might be able to suggest other subjects that fulfill similar goals and provide similar benefits.

4. Seek support: Reach out to your fellow learners, classmates, or student organizations to discuss your concerns and brainstorm potential solutions together. Collaboration and support from your peers can help ease the confusion and anxiety surrounding curriculum changes.

Remember, it is always important to stay informed, communicate with the relevant people, and be proactive in finding solutions to adapt to any changes that may come your way.