How is a protein different from a complex carbohydrate?

a.The monomers that make up a protein vary whereas the monomers that make up a complex carbohydrate are all the same.
b.Proteins function as energy storage polymers whereas complex carbohydrates function to control rates of metabolic reactions.
c.Proteins can be described as a linear polymer chain whereas complex carbohydrates cannot.
d.Proteins contain very little carbon whereas complex carbohydrates contain mostly carbon.

My answer is A

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a.The monomers that make up a protein vary whereas the monomers that make up a complex carbohydrate are all the same.

--This is mostly true, but I would suggest that you give a couple of examples, such as fatty acids, or a short truncated protein.

b.Proteins function as energy storage polymers whereas complex carbohydrates function to control rates of metabolic reactions.

--This is not correct. Proteins are used to carry out chemical reactions in living organisms are to carry out different processes such as DNA replication, breaking down polymers into monomers, assembling complex carbohydrates, etc; carbohydrates are used for energy storage.

c.Proteins can be described as a linear polymer chain whereas complex carbohydrates cannot.

-- This is true and isn't. I would suggest that you look up the different structures of proteins i.e., primary, secondary, tertiary structure.

d.Proteins contain very little carbon whereas complex carbohydrates contain mostly carbon.

--This is not true. Depending on the side chains of the amino acids that make up a particular protein, a protein can contain lots of carbon, but usually compared to a complex carbohydrate, it will not have as much carbon. However, proteins do contain lots of nitrogen compared to carbohydrates.

****The first link that was given to you in writeteachers post should be the most help.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and understand each statement:

a. The monomers that make up a protein vary whereas the monomers that make up a complex carbohydrate are all the same.

This statement is correct. Proteins are made up of different types of amino acids, which are their monomers. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, like starch and cellulose, are composed of repeated units of the same monomer, glucose.

b. Proteins function as energy storage polymers whereas complex carbohydrates function to control rates of metabolic reactions.

This statement is incorrect. Proteins play multiple roles in the body, including structural support, enzymatic activity, transportation, and immune response. Complex carbohydrates, however, primarily function as a source of energy and provide structural support in some cases.

c. Proteins can be described as a linear polymer chain whereas complex carbohydrates cannot.

This statement is incorrect. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates can be described as linear polymer chains. Proteins are formed by a linear sequence of amino acids, while complex carbohydrates are formed by a linear sequence of monosaccharides (simple sugars).

d. Proteins contain very little carbon whereas complex carbohydrates contain mostly carbon.

This statement is incorrect. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates contain carbon since they are organic molecules. Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and in some cases, sulfur. Complex carbohydrates also mainly consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A: The monomers that make up a protein vary, whereas the monomers that make up a complex carbohydrate are all the same.