45. 'lead (led). n 1. Position at the front 2. initiative 3. One that leads. 4. Indication or clue. 5. A principal role in a dramatic production ‘lead (led) v. 1 to guide on a way by going in advance. 2. To direct on a course. 3. To direct the operations, activity, or performance. 4. To suggest the answer by asking leading questions. 5. To bring to a conclusion or condition. 6. To guide a dance partner through the steps. A famous conductor accepted the invitation to lead the orchestra in the new season.

Which of the following dictionary entries best defines the word "lead" as used in the sentence above?
A. Entry ' lead, definition 1
B. Entry ' lead, definition 5
C. Entry ' lead, definition 2
D. Entry ' lead, definition 3
I thank D is the correct answer


To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the sentence given: "A famous conductor accepted the invitation to lead the orchestra in the new season."

The sentence is referring to a conductor accepting an invitation to guide or direct the orchestra in the upcoming season. In this context, the word "lead" is being used as a verb, indicating someone guiding or directing others.

Now, let's look at the options provided:

A. Entry 'lead, definition 1: Position at the front - This definition does not fit the context of the sentence as it refers to a noun and not a verb.

B. Entry 'lead, definition 5: To bring to a conclusion or condition - This definition does not fit the context of the sentence as it does not involve guiding or directing others.

C. Entry 'lead, definition 2: Initiative - This definition does not fit the context of the sentence as it does not involve guiding or directing others.

D. Entry 'lead, definition 3: One that leads - This definition best fits the context of the sentence as it refers to someone guiding or directing others, which aligns with the conductor leading the orchestra.

Based on this analysis, option D: Entry 'lead, definition 3 is the correct answer.