What is the

difference between two
places in the local time
between two places in
latitude 55°N if they are
located at longitudes 8°W
and 18°E respectively?

well, since there are 360° for 24 hours, every hour is 15° of longitude. The latitude does not matter.

To calculate the time difference between two places at different longitudes, we need to consider the Earth's rotation and the concept of time zones.

The Earth rotates 360 degrees in approximately 24 hours, which means it rotates 15 degrees per hour. This rotation is what causes the difference in local time between different longitudes.

In this case, we have two places located at longitudes 8°W and 18°E, respectively. To determine the time difference between them, we need to calculate the total distance in degrees between the two longitudes.

The total distance between 8°W and 18°E is 26 degrees. However, since we are considering locations in the same latitude, the Earth's rotation will affect both places equally. Thus, we need to divide the total distance by 15 (degrees per hour) to find the time difference in hours.

26 degrees / 15 degrees per hour ≈ 1.73 hours

Therefore, the time difference between the two places is approximately 1 hour and 44 minutes. The place located at 18°E will be ahead of the place located at 8°W by this amount of time.